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Meet Inka T'ito Q'osñipa Kuntur


Inka T’ito Q’osñipa Kuntur is a descendant of the ancient Solar Inka lineage of the Tawantinsuyu, of the Solar Order of the Inkas. He is an Inka Hamawt'a, a wise master of the ancestral tradition of the Tawantinsuyu, a guardian, bearer and transmitter of the wisdom and principles of the Solar Cosmic codes. He is an Inti Yaya, or a high priest and desciple of the ancient order Inti Manqos Wasi of the ministers and solar messengers of the temple of the Sun of the ancestral tradition of Tawantinsuyu.


Inka T’ito Q’osñipa Kuntur is the founder of the school Illa Inti Yachay Wasi Solar Inka School, the continuation of the old Solar school of the Inkas where a series of teachings, knowledge and initiation rituals are imparted according to the ancestral tradition. He is a co-founder of AKQ Inkakunaq Yachay Wasin School of sacred knowledge of the Inkas, a community of teachers that unite to share ancestral knowledge for the current times.


Inka T’ito is an author of several books on the spiritual tradition of the Inkas, an international teacher and lecturer on the sacred codes and ancestral wisdom of the lineage of the sacred mysteries. He is the initiator and co-founder of the Musuq Tawantinsuyu-the Solar nation of ancestral and original nations in these current times where the mission of awakening the consciousness of the people is delivered for the rebirth, return and restoration of the natural order and where the fulfillment of the ancestral prophecies begins.


My life and work is dedicated to transmitting sacred ancestral knowledge, ceremonies and rituals. It is dedicated to the work and mission of INKARIY, the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Return of the Inkas, the Children of the Sun with the mission to awaken solar consciousness, to awaken the children and people of the Tawantinsuyu. This work is carried out through my roles as the representative of the Inka, the Son of the Sun, from Qosqo in the first meeting of the Tawantinsuyo. Through my roles as an Inka Hamawt'a, Inti Yaya, author of several books, guest speaker at local and international conferences, council member of the Inka Council of the Tawantinsuyu and as a guardian and messenger of the Inka Tawantinsuyu ancestral tradition.



Los Qanchis de Pomacanchi (The Qanchis of Pomacanchi)


Despertando la Conciencia Inka del Nuevo Tawantinsuyu (Awakening the Inka Consciousness of the New Tawantinsuyu)


PACHA WAWA El retorno de los Seres Cósmicos (PACHA WAWA the return of the Cosmic Beings)


TUKUY T’IQRAY. Camino de la transformación del ser, según la Sabiduría Inka del Tawantinsuyu. (TUKUY T'IQRAY. Path of the transformation of being, according to the Inka Wisdom of the Tawantinsuyu)




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